Setup Gbasf2
Currently, only CentOS 7 is supported as the OS platform to use gbasf2.
Before starting, please make sure you have fulfilled the Prerequisites. Additionally:
You have cvmfs mounted with the following directories:
/cvmfs/ /cvmfs/ /cvmfs/
Make sure your grid certificate (both of the files
) is in the directory~/.globus
. (See Install Your Certificate on Confluence.)
Be sure that the userkey.pem has the rw permissions only for the owner and no permission for others.
You should see "-rw-------"
with ls -l ~/.globus/userkey.pem
If not, you should do the following:
chmod 600 ~/.globus/userkey.pem
Pre-installed gbasf2 on CVMFS
To use the preinstalled gbasf2 on cvmfs, you just need to source the environment with a single command:
source /cvmfs/
It will request your certificate passphrase. If the command finishes without errors and you see information related to your certificate, your proxy has been successfully set:
Proxy generated:
timeleft : 23:53:58
DIRAC group : belle
rfc : True
path : /tmp/x100up_u0001
username : youruser
properties : NormalUser
VOMS : True
VOMS fqan : ['/belle']
Succeed with return value:
A proxy is a short-term credential that verifies your identity, allowing you to perform operations on the grid.
By default your proxy is valid for 24h. If it expires, you need to execute gb2_proxy_init -g belle
again if you have
already setup gbasf2 in the same shell (terminal).
See GBasf2 Troubleshooting if you see errors after the setup.
Setup for groups
When submitting job as part of a group (like physics or performance groups, etc.), proxy must be initialised specifying the group:
source /cvmfs/ -g <belle_group>
Jobs with a group may require to specify the output LPN using -o
gbasf2 -p <project_name> -o /belle/group/<directory_name>/<project_name> etc..
Check if any error messages during the submission to confirm.
Additional options
The setup file bashrc
at CVMFS provide options for specify PEM certificate and key files other than the default:
-C <value> : File to use as user certificate
-K <value> : File to use as user key
Gbasf2 check release
The gb2_check_release command provides information about your version:
$ gb2_check_release
Your installation is up-to-date: 6.0.1
Available gbasf2 releases:
Production: 6.0.1
Newer than prod:
Older than prod: 6.0.0
Available basf2 releases:
The “Available basf2 releases” are those that are accepted by gbasf2. It is important to note that some releases may be obsolete and no longer supported by the software team. You should check the release locally before submitting to the grid. If a basf2 release that you need for your analysis is not available on the grid, you can contact the users forum. The release will be validated and enabled shortly after.