Job management tools

The usage of all the available gb2 tools is shown.

In most cases, examples of how to use them can be obtained with the flag --usage.


Show status of all or selected jobs in a project. Detailed information is obtained by “-l” option.


$ gb2_job_status -j 7286133,7286135
$ gb2_job_status -j 7286150 -l
$ gb2_job_status -p myProject
$ gb2_job_status -p 00000088 --status="Failed"
usage: gb2_job_status [-h] [-v] [--usage] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] (-j [JOBID ...] | -p [PROJECT ...]) [-g GROUP] [-u USER] [-l] [--status STATUS] [--minorstatus MINORSTATUS]
                      [--appstatus APPSTATUS] [--site SITE]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day

-j, --jobid

specify job ID(s)

-p, --project

specify project name(s)

-g, --group

specify group

-u, --user

specify user name

-l, --long

long listing (-ll: extra long)


Checking, Completed, Deleted, Done, Failed, Killed, Matched, Running, Staging, Stalled, Scheduled, Waiting


Application, Application Finished Successfully, Application Finished With Errors, Application not found, Assigned, Bulk transaction confirmation, Exception During Execution, Execution Complete, etc.


project application status


specify target site


Show job parameters

–Ncycle enables to access past job which was rescheduled. Note that –Ncycle=0 points the first “rescheduled” job.


$ gb2_job_parameters -p myProject
$ gb2_job_parameters -j 7123123 --Ncycle 0
$ gb2_job_parameters -p projectX -u nmolina --minorstatus 'Application Finished With Errors'
usage: gb2_job_parameters [-h] [-v] [--usage] [--Ncycle NCYCLE] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] (-j [JOBID ...] | -p [PROJECT ...]) [-g GROUP] [-u USER] [--status STATUS]
                          [--minorstatus MINORSTATUS] [--appstatus APPSTATUS] [--site SITE]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage


Specify rescheduled cycle (0-)


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day

-j, --jobid

specify job ID(s)

-p, --project

specify project name(s)

-g, --group

specify group

-u, --user

specify user name


Checking, Completed, Deleted, Done, Failed, Killed, Matched, Running, Staging, Stalled, Scheduled, Waiting


Application, Application Finished Successfully, Application Finished With Errors, Application not found, Assigned, Bulk transaction confirmation, Exception During Execution, Execution Complete, etc.


project application status


specify target site


Download the output sandbox of a given job or project.


$ gb2_job_output -j 123456
$ gb2_job_output -p myProject
usage: gb2_job_output [-h] [-v] [--usage] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] (-j [JOBID ...] | -p [PROJECT ...]) [-g GROUP] [-u USER] [--status STATUS] [--minorstatus MINORSTATUS]
                      [--appstatus APPSTATUS] [--site SITE]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day

-j, --jobid

specify job ID(s)

-p, --project

specify project name(s)

-g, --group

specify group

-u, --user

specify user name


Checking, Completed, Deleted, Done, Failed, Killed, Matched, Running, Staging, Stalled, Scheduled, Waiting


Application, Application Finished Successfully, Application Finished With Errors, Application not found, Assigned, Bulk transaction confirmation, Exception During Execution, Execution Complete, etc.


project application status


specify target site


Resubmit failed jobs or projects. Only jobs which have fatal status (Failed, Killed, Stalled) are affected.

Exact same sandbox and parameters are reused. Thus you may need to submit a new project if there is an issue with the input parameters.


% gb2_job_reschedule -j 723428,723429
% gb2_job_reschedule -p myProject
usage: gb2_job_reschedule [-h] [-v] [--usage] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] [--download] (-j [JOBID ...] | -p [PROJECT ...]) [-g GROUP] [-u USER] [-f] [--doAll]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day


Keep log files of the job to be rescheduled

Default: False

-j, --jobid

specify job ID(s)

-p, --project

specify project name(s)

-g, --group

specify group

-u, --user

specify user name

-f, --force

skip confirmation

Default: False


ignore masked status

Default: False


Kill individual jobs or all jobs in a project. Note: Killed jobs can be restarted by gb2_job_reschedule, or removed from job DB after a few weeks.


$ gb2_job_kill -j 12384
$ gb2_job_kill -p myProject
$ gb2_job_kill -p myProject, mySecondProject
usage: gb2_job_kill [-h] [-v] [--usage] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] (-j [JOBID ...] | -p [PROJECT ...]) [-g GROUP] [-u USER] [-f]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day

-j, --jobid

specify job ID(s)

-p, --project

specify project name(s)

-g, --group

specify group

-u, --user

specify user name

-f, --force

skip confirmation

Default: False


Delete jobs or projects. Each job is killed then soon deleted from job DB.


$ gb2_job_delete -j 12384
$ gb2_job_delete -p myProject
$ gb2_job_delete -p myFirstProject, mySecondProject
usage: gb2_job_delete [-h] [-v] [--usage] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] (-j [JOBID ...] | -p [PROJECT ...]) [-g GROUP] [-u USER] [-f]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day

-j, --jobid

specify job ID(s)

-p, --project

specify project name(s)

-g, --group

specify group

-u, --user

specify user name

-f, --force

skip confirmation

Default: False