Local installation of gbasf2
The pre-installed gbasf2 on CVMFS is the recommended version (see Setup Gbasf2). However, gbasf2 local installation is available. Please be aware this is not fully tested and not fully supported.
The installation must be performed in a clean environment, in which no other basf2 or gbasf2 environment variables have been set. It is important to note that gbasf2 environment variables can conflict with basf2 and vice versa.
Local installation procedure
The installation is fully performed in user space and in a single directory.
Open a new terminal and create a new directory for your installation. For example:
mkdir gbasf2 && cd gbasf2
Download and execute the DIRACOS installer:
wget -N https://github.com/DIRACGrid/DIRACOS2/releases/download/2.31/DIRACOS-Linux-x86_64.sh
bash DIRACOS-Linux-x86_64.sh
Check carefully that there is no ERROR
message in the log. If the installation finished without errors,
then proceed to post-installation configuration:
rm DIRACOS-Linux-x86_64.sh
source diracos/diracosrc
Now, one first needs to create a personal access token on (https://gitlab.desy.de/-/user_settings/personal_access_tokens) (See (https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/profile/personal_access_tokens.html)).
Once done, use the access token to install the desired BelleDIRAC release:
pip install BelleDIRAC==<release> --index-url https://<username>:<personal_access_token>@gitlab.desy.de/api/v4/projects/5220/packages/pypi/simple
dirac-proxy-init -x -N
dirac-configure -S Belle-KEK -C $(echo dips://b2dcsvb0{1..3}.cc.kek.jp:9135/Configuration/Server|tr ' ' ,)
Once the installation is done, you just need to execute the following two commands for day-to-day use:
source <path to your gbasf2 installation>/diracos/setup_gbasf2.sh
gb2_proxy_init -g belle
If you see errors, go to the GBasf2 Troubleshooting.
There are some options for advanced installation in dirac-install, but they are not supported and not guaranteed to work (see GBasf2 Advanced Installation).
Gbasf2 update
Currently there is no tool available for a single-step update with python 3. Proceed to install a client from scratch, or use the pre-installed CVMFS version instead.
Pre-installed gbasf2 on CVMFS will update automatically after a new version is released. No action is required if you are using the pre-installed version.