Project management tools

The usage of all the available gb2 tools is shown.

In most cases, examples of how to use them can be obtained with the flag --usage.


Show progress of each project. Each job is categorized as follows: - Done: Successfully finished jobs - Fail: Failure jobs by any reasons - Run: Running jobs - Wait: Not yet executed


$ gb2_project_summary
$ gb2_project_summary -p myProject
usage: gb2_project_summary [-h] [-v] [--usage] [-u USER] [-g GROUP] [-l] [--date [YYYY-MM-DD]] [-p PROJECT [PROJECT ...]] [--noBar] [--showAll] [--scout]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage

-u, --user

specify user name

-g, --group

specify group

-l, --long

long listing (-ll: extra long)


time format or strings (today, 1{(d(ay)|w(eek)|m(onth)|y(ear)}). Default: 1day

-p, --project

specify project(s) name


disable status bar

Default: False


show masked status

Default: False


Also show scout jobs

Default: False


Analyze users project - project’s statuses and the reason of fail.


$ gb2_project_analysis
$ gb2_project_analysis -p project1
$ gb2_project_analysis -p project1 --twiki
usage: gb2_project_analysis [-h] [-v] [--usage] -p PROJECT [--twiki]

Named Arguments

-v, --verbose

increase verbosity (up to -vv)

Default: 0


show detailed usage

-p, --project

specify project name


print as twiki style

Default: False